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About Us

My initial inspiration came when I couldn’t find socks that I envisioned, which were different color combinations, patterns and shapes. So, I decided if I wanted the socks that were swirling around in my mind, I needed to create them myself. The drawing pad was pulled out, and it was time to be creative.

I am a musician who has traveled extensively to many different countries and witnessed and engaged with various cultures. I have always found it very interesting how creative children can be without economic resources or financial support. This intrigued me and motivated me to want to develop a business that would teach young people to develop their artistic skills and other gifts while creating a sustainable income.

With much thought, deliberation and exploration, I decided to address my desire to create my socks, with an emphasis (IMFASIS) on developing young entrepreneurs simultaneously. Students would have a space that emphasizes (IMFASIS) expression of their gifts and talents. The program would teach not only business skills, but focus on self-reliance, and help them become more productive contributors in our society.

My retail sock business would be a conduit for generating income to establish an entrepreneurship program via an online presence as well as a physical space for youth. A minimum of 30% of sock proceeds would go towards this building.


High-quality apparel at moderate, very affordable prices